Saturday 11 July 2009

Chapter 4

Rahul and Shreyas were discussing the Poincare’ Conjucture. They were discussing about the proof a mathematician had very recently developed, but they weren’t very convinced about the proof. As they were chatting, the door opened. Rahul from the inner cabin asked, ‘Who is it?’ A very familiar voice replies, ‘This is Abhinav’s brother.’

‘Come in’

As Abhinav’s brother came in, Rahul and Shreyas got up in a state of shock. And lo, in front of them was present Vinay. A one-legged Vinay. The two of them were freaked out. They asked Vinay to sit, and started enquiring.
Rahul: How are you? How did this happen?
Vinay: I’m good. This was an accident. A car accident. A drunk lorry driver ran over me.

Shreyas: Oh shit, that sounds bad. Did you try prosthetics or something of that sort?

Vinay: I’m trying. If I get anything of that sort, I’ll definitely try them out. So how have you guys been? I’ve been reading up about you guys in the papers. Looks like you people are rocking the world of mathematics a big deal.

Shreyas: Yea

Rahul: Atleast we are trying to.

Vinay: Do you have any contacts with Anjali? How is she?

Rahul: No, I haven’t talked to her in a long time. Its been nearly 7 years.

Vinay: Ha, that’s a long time indeed.

Rahul: Trust me.

Vinay: Ok dude, see you in class tomorrow.

Rahul: Ok dude, bye.

Shreyas: Bye dude

Vinay left the room, and then made a call to a Delhi local number. On the call being picked, he said, ‘Anjali, I’ve reached Delhi. Can we meet?’

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